
Conta Diamante IV - League of Legends LOL

Nível 48 CHAMPS: Ahri ; Teemo ; Tristana ; Zoe ; Lux ; Kayn ; Leblanc ; Lucian ; Corki ; Malphite ; Morgana ; Ashe ; Katarina ; Xin Zhao ; Rammus ; Zilean ; Veigar ; Yasuo ; TF ; Akali ; FiddleSticks ; Evelynn ; Nidalee ; Annie ; Alistar ; Kayle ; Amumu ; Nasus ; Warwick ; Chogath ; Garen ; Janna ; Nunu ; Ryze ; Tryndamere SKINS: Ahri noturna ; Morgana pesadelo culinario ; Annie rainha de gelo ; annie gotica ; teemo panda

Conta Diamante IV

35 campeões e 4 skins
(cód. 958593943)
Status: Ended
$ 27.39
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When you buy this product you earn 69 DFG Points
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lucas12 ( 0 )

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Member since: 07/2017

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