
EK Lv 255 Sword 107/100 Com equips Imbuidos + makers - Tibia

- You see a Zaoan helmet (Arm:9, protection physical +5%). Imbuements: (Intricate Void 13:30h). It can only be wielded properly by knights and paladins. It weighs 66.00 oz. - You see an emerald sword (Atk:49, Def:33 +3). Imbuements: (Intricate Strike 13:30h, Intricate Void 13:30h). It can only be wielded properly by players of level 100 or higher. It weighs 41.00 oz. - You see a prismatic armor (Arm:15, speed +15, protection physical +5%). Imbuements: (Intricate Vampirism 13:30h). It can only be wielded properly by knights and paladins of level 120 or higher. Makers EK Lv 75 87/80 Nefera EK Lv 50 97/90 Zunera MS Lv 49 ML 41 Wintera RP Lv 41 88/77 Quintera

EK Lv 255 Sword 107/100 Com equips Imbuidos + makers

conta disponível, não foi vendida. world zunera
(cód. 903500256)
Status: Ended
$ 35.60
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raph_aell ( 15 )

100% positive feedback

Member since: 06/2018

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