(Sword Fighter)
57/100 Dual Swords
30/100 Clarent Blade
100/100 Carving Sword
50/100 Galatine Pair
45/100 Kingmaker
(Axe Fighter)
85/100 Bear Paws
(Mace Fighter)
100/100 Mace Combat
71/100 Morning Star
100/100 Bedrock Mace
100/100 Incubus Mace
86/100 Camlann Mace
100/100 Oathkeepers
(War Gloves)
100/100 Spiked Gauntlets
(Crossbow Fighter)
105/120 Crossbow Combat
107/120 Heavy Crossbow
105/120 Light Crossbow
120/120 Weeping Repeater
105/120 Bolcasters
106/120 Siegebow
105/120 Energy Shaper
(Bow Fighter)
100/100 Bow Combat
63/100 Warbow
100/100 Longbow
44/100 Whispering bow
20/100 Wailing bow
(Dagger Fighter)
82/100 Dagger Combat
84/100 Dagger Pair
50/100 Claws Combat
51/100 Bloodletter
105/100 Demonfang
42/100 Deathgivers
(Quarterstaff Fighter)
80/100 Black Monk
(Torch Fighter) (Off-Hand)
100/100 Torch Combat
104/100 Mistcaller
100/100 leering Cane
100/100 Cryptcandle
100/100 Arcane Staff
100/100 Great Arcane
100/100 Enigmatic
100/100 Occult
82/100 Malevolent Locus
(Tome Fighter)
118/120 Tome Combat
61/100 Eye of Secrets
120/120 Muisak
(Plate Armor)
All 100/100
(Leather Jacket)
84/100 Mercenary jacket
72/100 Hunter jacket
88/100 Assassin jacket
100/100 Royal jacket
100/100 Stalker jacket
100/100 Hellion jacket
100/100 Jacket of Tenacity
(Cloth Robe)
100/100 Scholar Robe
100/100 Cleric Robe
46/100 Mage Robe
100/100 Royal Robe
100/100 Drud Robe
51/100 Fiend Robe
(Plate Boots)
43/100 Soldier Boots
50/100 Guardian Boots
100/100 Graveguard Boots
62/100 Boots of Valor
(Leather Shoes)
100/100 Hunter Shoes
87/100 Assassin Shoes
62/100 Royal Shoes
85/100 Shoes of Tenacity
(Cloth Sandals)
100/100 Royal Sandals
100/100 Fiend Sandals
(Plate Helmet)
100/100 Soldier Helmet
100/100 Knight Helmet
100/100 Guardian Helmet
77/100 Judicator Helmet
(Leather Hood)
66/100 mercenary Hood
36/100 Hunter Hood
100/100 Assassin Hood
100/100 Stalker Hood
(Cloth Cowl)
100/100 Royal Cowl
100/100 Fiend Cowl